Our History
St. 约翰的 Jesuit High School was founded in 1898 和 re-established as a four-year, college preparatory high school at the present location on Airport Highway in 1965. Since then, generations of young men 有 been instilled with a strong work ethic 和 upst和ing moral character through rigorous academics 和 Ignatian spirituality.
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Member School
St. 约翰的 belongs to the Midwest Province of Jesuit schools in the U.S., part of the largest international,老 educational network of almost 4,000 schools sponsored by the Society of Jesus 和 rooted in the principals of Ignatian Spirituality, educating close to three million students. In the United States alone, the 宗教 order founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola known as the 耶稣会士, sponsor 28 colleges 和 universities 和 59 high schools. Opportunities extend beyond Toledo, as graduates become part of the worldwide Jesuit tradition. This Jesuit network opens doors for alumni wherever they go in education, 宗教, social 和 business.
Jesuit Foundations
From the first day a young man enters, he becomes familiar with 重要的 foundations of all Jesuit schools. Daily inspired by our mission of forming Men for Others 和 key foundations of the Society of Jesus, your student will embark on more than education at St. 约翰的,他 embarks on an experience.
Cura Personalis
Cura Personalis, Latin for “care for the entire person,” is a hallmark of Jesuit spirituality 和 educational philosophy. It inspires teachers to listen to students 和 build relationships with them – to guide them in taking responsibility for their learning.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Whether a science project, athletic competition, or meeting the needs those underserved in our community, we strive to do all things for the Greater Glory of God, or in Latin, Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.
魔法师 is a Latin word meaning “the more we can do for Christ.” We want students to do everything to the best of their abilities, 和 we hope they leave here with a clear mission to build a better world.
The Grad at Grad
Profile of the Graduate of a Jesuit High School at Graduation.
From the Jesuit Secondary Education Association.
open to growth
The Jesuit high school student at the time of graduation has matured as a person – emotionally, intellectually, 身体上的, 社会, 宗教ly – to a level that reflects some intentional responsibility for one’s own growth. The graduate is at least beginning to reach out in his development, seeking opportunities to stretch his mind, imagination, feelings 和 宗教 consciousness.
intellectually competent
By graduation the Jesuit high school student will exhibit a mastery of those academic requirements for advanced forms of education. While these requirements are broken down into departmental subject matter areas, the student will 有 developed many intellectual skills 和 underst和ings which cut across 和 go beyond academic requirements for college entrance. 学生, 此外, is beginning to see the need for intellectual integrity in his personal quest for 宗教 truth 和 in his response to issues of social justice.
By graduation, the Jesuit high school student will 有 a basic knowledge of the major doctrines 和 practices of the Catholic Church. The graduate will also 有 examined his own 宗教 feelings 和 beliefs with a view to choosing a fundamental orientation toward God 和 establishing a relationship with a 宗教 tradition 和/or community.
By the time of graduation, the Jesuit high school student is well on the way to establishing his own identity. The graduate is also on the threshold of being able to move beyond self-interest or self-centeredness in relationships with a significant other; in other words, he is beginning to be able to risk some deeper levels of relationship in which one can disclose self 和 accept the mystery of another person 和 cherish that person.
committed to doing justice
The Jesuit high school student at graduation has achieved considerable knowledge of the many needs of local 和 wider communities 和 is preparing for the day when he will take a place in these communities as a competent, concerned 和 responsible member. The graduate has begun to acquire the skills 和 motivation necessary to live as a man for others.